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How to add TKGM management and workload clusters to TMC using tmc CLI

+++ author = "Shubham Sharma" title = "How to add TKGM management and workload clusters to TMC using tmc CLI" menuTitle = "How to add TKGM management and workload clusters to TMC using tmc CLI" date = "2022-08-17" description = "How to add TKGM management and workload clusters to TMC using tmc CLI" series = ["TMC"] codeMaxLines = 15 +++

In this post, we will cover how to register a TKG management cluster using tmc CLI. Once the management cluster is registered we will add the workload cluster present in this setup as a managed cluster to TMC. To install and set up the tmc CLI check out this post.

Environment Information

  • TKG v1.6.0
  • Management cluster - uoom-mgmt-rp06
  • Workload Cluster - wuoom-wld-rp06
tanzu version
version: v0.25.0
buildDate: 2022-08-25
sha: 6288c751-dirty

tanzu cluster list --include-management-cluster
  wuoom-wld-rp06  default     running  1/1           2/2      v1.23.8+vmware.2  <none>      dev   v1.23.8---vmware.2-tkg.1
  uoom-mgmt-rp06  tkg-system  running  1/1           1/1      v1.23.8+vmware.2  management  dev   v1.23.8---vmware.2-tkg.1

Registering management cluster

Login to TMC

export TMC_CONTEXT_NAME="tmc-ctx"
export TMC_API_TOKEN=<CSP token>
tmc login --no-configure --name "${TMC_CONTEXT_NAME}"

Identify or create cluster group

  • Identify the cluster group where you want to categorize this management cluster using tmc clustergroup list
  • Alternatively, you can create a new cluster group
tmc clustergroup create --name oom-group

Register management cluster

Registering the management cluster requires the following arguments

  • Management cluster name - ${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}
  • Cluster group name - ${CLUSTER_GROUP}
  • Path to kubeconfig - "${HOME}"/.kube/config
  • Provisioner name - TKG
export MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME='uoom-mgmt-rp06'
export CLUSTER_GROUP='oom-group'
tmc managementcluster register "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}" -c "${CLUSTER_GROUP}" --kubeconfig "${HOME}"/.kube/config -p TKG -v 4

Output of the above execution

tmc managementcluster register "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}" -c "${CLUSTER_GROUP}" --kubeconfig "${HOME}"/.kube/config -p TKG -v 4

 management cluster "uoom-mgmt-rp06" created successfully
i applying registration link on the management cluster
  TMC resources applied to the cluster successfully
  management cluster registered to TMC

Verifying health and status

  • To check if the management cluster registered successfully and the health of the management cluster
tmc managementcluster get "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}" --output json | jq .status.conditions

  "READY": {
    "type": "READY",
    "status": "TRUE",
    "severity": "INFO",
    "reason": "phase: READY, health: HEALTHY",
    "message": "management cluster is connected to TMC and healthy"

Adding workload cluster as a managed cluster

After registering the management cluster if we query it for workload clusters we don't get any data back. The reason is that the workload cluster in this environment is neither managed nor attached to TMC.

tmc cluster list --management-cluster-name "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}"

i No clusters to list

The tmc CLI provides an easy way to achieve this. To add the workload cluster as a managed cluster you just need the following info

  • Management Cluster name
  • Provisioner name - This is the namespace under which your workload cluster is present. Ex - -p default
  • Cluster group
  • Workload cluster name
export MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME='uoom-mgmt-rp06'
export CLUSTER_GROUP='oom-group'
export WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_NAME='wuoom-wld-rp06'

tmc managementcluster provisioner tanzukubernetescluster manage -m "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}" -p default --cluster-group "${CLUSTER_GROUP}" "${WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_NAME}" -v 4

Successful completion of the above command results in √ wuoom-wld-rp06 will be managed by tanzu mission control message.

Now the cluster is visible within TMC

tmc cluster list --management-cluster-name "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}"

wuoom-wld-rp06  uoom-mgmt-rp06     default

Verifying the workload cluster health

tmc cluster get "${WORKLOAD_CLUSTER_NAME}" --management-cluster-name "${MANAGEMENT_CLUSTER_NAME}" -p default -o json | jq .status.conditions

  "Agent-READY": {
    "type": "READY",
    "status": "TRUE",
    "severity": "INFO",
    "reason": "phase: COMPLETE, health: HEALTHY",
    "message": "cluster is connected to TMC and healthy"
  "WCM-Ready": {
    "type": "Ready",
    "status": "TRUE",
    "severity": "INFO"
  "WCM-VersionIsLatest": {
    "type": "VersionIsLatest",
    "status": "TRUE",
    "severity": "INFO"